Saturday 26 January 2008

Jelly Ear

Tasty, Tasty, Very very tasty
( I think )


Patty said...

What an unusual shot. I have never seen fungi this color. But then there are a lot of things I have never seen. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing.

dot said...

I love this shot! The color is so pretty.

alicesg said...

I have never see fresh fungi before, those that I consumed are processed and bought from the grocery shop. Are they poisonous? But they looked so beautiful. Tom, if you are out there, I am in the process of typing the recipe for wood ear fungi. :)

Marvin said...

While they make a fine photo, I gotta admit that the mushrooms don't look all that tasty to me. :-)

Anonymous said...

I like your photograph, Peter, but things that grow on trees I don't eat if they are out of the berry and fruit category. I don't know anything about fungi and toadstools and mushrooms except they sometimes kill people if the people eat the wrong kind.

Tom said...

These are an acquired taste, one that I'm sure Peter will have. We have been coming upon loads of these just of late, and been making inquiries and double checking them with others. All in all we now feel sure that these are edible mushrooms, as such Peter will be trying out a recipe or two of these... before I try them anyway...ha!
We also came across some very very tasty Oyster Mushrooms... again we checked and double checked, read up in books, visited a 'Fungi Forum' and then tested them on a friend we know.. ha! he was alright so we had them cooked in garlic and butter...the best I've tasted. Peter made a pig of himself by having two 'BIG' plate full.

If in doubt leave alone, but there's ways of learning if you have the time.

Alicesg... I have been over to see the recipes this morning... I can see that a trip to Manchesters China Town with Peter is forthcoming...... thanks for the recipes.
Tom & Pete

Suzi-k said...

will take your word for it, not something I fancy eating any time soon!!

Dancin Fool said...

Hello. Excellent picture! There are so many very interesting and edible fungi out there however I unfortunately do not like the taste or smell of mushrooms. I always feel like I am missing out though. So did you try them? I hear chicken of the woods (Laetiporous sulphureus)is very good. Bye for now!

DeeMom said...

Amazing they come in that many colors…

alicesg said...

Tom and Peter, you both can view more recipes in this link. or you can type in mushroom in the search box. Mushroom are good for health and prevent cancer and heart diseases and of course you need to look at your other diets too.