Wednesday 9 January 2008

Frosty Food

I was amazed to see the frost on these mushrooms
I want to say a Big thank you to each and everyone who as visited and left me comments, it makes it all worth while. I'm glad that Tom also talked me into this. Cheer mate.


dot said...

I don't mind saying those are the best mushroom pictures I have ever seen since I've been blogging. I like the first picture in the sunrise post very much also. IN the droplets maybe a goose or the loch ness monster. lol. I would like to comment on each post you make but I'm on dialup and have so many to visit I'm having to cut where I can. Great pictures as always!!

Willard said...

Another group of superb pictures. I enjoyed them very much!

imac said...

Yet again to be amazed at the wonderous shots. Are they edable?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Pete, these are brilliant. I like them very much. I wish I knew more about them so I could eat one now and then and not kill myself. Keep up the good work.

Abraham Lincoln

Tom said...

I spoke to Peter today, these are not edible.
I like helping out Peter with this blog, I have time to kill at times.
The only alterations we do unless stated is to crop and maybe sharpen.
I am pleased so many of my blog friends are here.
Thank you.

Patty said...

I just noticed Defor's ears in the small photo you have posted to the right. Do they always stick up and out like that? Our son and his wife use to have three greyhounds they adopted to save them from being put to sleep. They were raced at one time in Fl. where they live, but when they can no longer race, their owners will have them put down. Now they are finding homes for them. Our son and his wife ended up with three, in a small home, but everyone seemed to manage just fine.

Kerri Farley said...

These are Fantastic! So crisp and clear....and you must have gotten down on the ground for these shots too! Wow...I think I need to spend more time down on the ground! Who know what shots are waiting to be taken?!

imac said...


I have just awarded you the
you can collect it from my blog.
Here are the rules

In my turn I am required to nominate up to 10 people for this award. The rules are:
“Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about blogland! Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so that they can pass it on. Beware! You may get the award several times! ”

Well done haha.

Jules said...

They look good enough to eat but i guess that wouldn't be a good idea.

I often wonder how people in the olden days worked out if a mushroom was edible or poisonous?? I guess it was just trial and error.....after Bertha the Cave Woman wiped out half the village with her mushroom soup they knew not to cook that one again!!!!

Marvin said...

These are some fantastic mushroom photo. I enjoyed them very much. Keep up the great work.

Andree said...

I don't know how you managed to get low enough to get these photos. My grandson and I tried last summer. He finally broke the cap of the mushroom so that we could photograph it like that. These are wonderful.