I am often asked to keep a look out for decent skulls, these make good subjects to draw for artists, others use them for displays around the home or garden. The horns can be made into Handles and the tops of walking sticks. This one is promised to Jane..(Womtigleys much better half) but I do take the odd orders for stuff like this. I am always on the look out for anything out of the ordanary... I normally swop stuff for cigerrattes or just a meal or two.
I have an aunt who has a skull collection. This is a nice one!
That's a good sharp capture. Keep up the good work!
Nice set of horns there pete.
Hi Pete - thanks for calling into my Vietnam Blog!!!
This is a very horny ram ....!!!!
I reckon this would be great nailed to your front door - it would keep away those annoying door-to-door salesmen hey????
It's a great Picture, Peter took just 2 shots of this, We could have posted both, but we picked this one.
When we get it I will paint it with a mixture of plain yoghurt, strong tea, and some black peaty soil. This will be done over a few weeks and hopefully encourage the Moss and Algi to grow. Some bleach them and leave them be.
Gosh that is a nice skull, Pete. The horns are really nice.
I like your photography a lot. I hope you keep it up.
Very neat shot of the skull....do you find these very often??
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