Wednesday 25 June 2008

A Gaggle Of ...........

A large goose, with distinctive black head and neck and large white throat patch. Introduced from N. America, and has spread to most of the UK. It forms noisy flocks and is sometimes regarded as a pest in areas where large numbers occur on grassland and parks.

It is estimated that there is as many as 82,550 breeding adults in the U.K. at this time of year. The canal where these pictures are taken as many breeding pairs, but it seems that one dominant pair take over the rearing of the young while others help out.

Safety in numbers perhaps


Patty said...

Very nice photos. But think of the mess when they come out of the water onto the banks and do their dirty work.

dot said...

Those are cute pictures especially the first one. They look like they are all watching you.

alicesg said...

The ducklings are very cute. Very lovely photo.

Rose said...

You have me interested now to see how big UK is to America/as well as to some of the individual states. That sounds like a huge number of geese to have. I think we have a lot more over here than we used to....we see a few of them all winter long.

imac said...

Nice gaggle there Pete, cute.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Pete: Great pictures of the Goose family. I just took some yesterday and it's hard to tell the youngsters fron the parents.