Saturday 14 June 2008

Blue Tits Nest

Blue Tits will nest in a hole in a tree or wall and certainly take well to a nest box. They are well known for nesting in more strange places, like letter boxes and waste pipes.

The nest is cup shaped and made by the female from moss, wool, dead leaves, and even cobwebs, and lined with down. Their clutch size is the largest among the tit family, laying typically 10 to 12 eggs. The eggs are laid at such a time that green caterpillars will be abundant when the chicks hatch. Second clutches are sometimes known.

The eggs are smooth and glossy, and white with purplish-red or reddish-brown spots. They are about 16 mm by 12 mm. The female incubates the eggs by herself. After the young hatch, they are fed by both parents.
More from this tree tomorrow


DeeMom said...

Now that is totally awesome, the photos are GRAND

Tom said...

Great shots Pete... again you found the right place to be at the right time. I wish I had that skill.

imac said...

Nice nest n birds Pete.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Super photos and information. I await further photos from this tree.