Thursday 3 July 2008

Sky Watch


This picture was taken on my way home at 02.30 in the morning, the moon was visable but the night never seemed to darken. The sunrise was still 2 hour away, which I didn't get to see as I was snoring and dreaming of a new camera.

Alas I have no P.C. so Tom dose the blog for me... I would just like to thank all who call by here daily and all my Sky Watch friends for there comments and support.


Patty said...

What a lovely sight for that time of mmorning. And thanks to Tom for helping you out.

Willard said...

A beautiful sky watch shot, Peter!

The water on the blades of grass is stunning, too!

Thanks for your thoughts on the rabbit situation. I left a reply in the comments on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Great shot!

Rose said...

This is a fabulous photo! I am so glad that you started a blog...I am with old lady lincoln in thanking Tom.

Anonymous said...

It is well known that we Portuguese once sailed the seven seas searching for new lands, wealth and adventures.
We were brave in those days and gave the world new worlds!

Luckily I don’t have to sail the big oceans on a small ship to sea the wonders of our world …
No Sir, I just need to check with Mr. Tom, the finest host there is, for a trip around the world with SKY WATCH TOURS and with a click here, a click there I am quickly in the USA, England, Brazil, Italy, China, Australia, Finland … well, everywhere.

And on each stop I come to see a little marvel of our world under a great sky!
Hope you can come and see my piece of the sky at lenses & visions

bobbie said...

Such a peaceful scene. this is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

very nice one!
My Sky Watch Friday posts

Tom said...

I am more than pleased to help with the blog Peter, this way I get to see your great pictures first.. :O)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Pete: Very special photo and a great story.

Anne said...

Great picture as usual. I loved the siluettes of the animals om the sky, right in the middle of the night :-)

Thank you for showing your nigh :-) with ous.

Happy weekend from Anne in Norway.

***Fotografia e Luz*** said...

Photo very beautiful with the sky and loaded with cows as fund

Anonymous said...

Pete! This is a great shot. Here's to sweet dreams and good friends!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sight. Great shot.

Anonymous said...

I think this is going to be the best Sky Watch Friday yet. The things I have seen are very encouraging

and the photography is spot on.

I really admire your photography skills and your critical eye for composition, lighting and texture.

Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville Daily Photo

Reader Wil said...

This is a stunning photo! I never seen something like this.

Carletta said...

Pete you have immense talent and your photos are always a joy. I'm glad Tom is such a good friend so that we can reap the rewards of seeing your talent.
I love your pre-morning sky - the colors are so peaceful and serene.
The water droplets and insect below are awesome.

SandyCarlson said...

Your headline made me laugh! Pete, this is a wonderful landscape. Thanks.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Oh, Pete! Bringing yourself home after 2 in the morning! Tsk-tsk!Hope you had a great time! The plus side to your late-night wanderings is that you give us photos like this. Simply grand! A marvelous Sky Watch.

Kim said...

Beautiful shot. I can't believe how bright the sky is that early in the morning.

VaQueenBee said...

I love this shot...and to think it was taken at 2:30 in the morning! Gorgeous!

Petunia said...

Lovely cow silhouettes and nightsky:) Well worth staying up for;)
Petunia's SWF

Champ Townboy said...

Gorgeous photo!! Thanks for the dedication to shooting beautiful Sky Watch photos!

Anonymous said...

Love this!!

Anonymous said...

Your picture for Sky Watch is really lovely - the touch of pink in the sky and the silhouettes of the cows - Gorgeous!!

AnneKa said...

Great Sky Watch Photo!!!!

Michele said...

It's nice how the silhouettes of these animals are highlighted up against the sky...
Mountain Retreat Photos

Anonymous said...

That's a great, almost surreal, shot. Great title also.. :)

Pappy said...

Very clever Peter. Photographer and humorist. Pappy

Alan said...

Beautiful sillhouette of the cows on the horizon.

Anonymous said...

Very cool - i wouldn't have expected such a great shot at that time in the morning.

EG CameraGirl said...

LOVE the title. ;-) The sun doesn't go down completely this time of year? I didn't know that!

Ann said...

Very dramatic sky. So unusual for us down here to see light at that time of night.

Aisha said...

Oh this is really beautiful! The sky is dark blue. Great shot!

D Herrod said...

Beautiful shot. Wow, what a cool blog and no PC.

DeeMom said...

that is a beautiful site

Great job Peter

NikkiD said...

so lovely!! I love cows and the sunrise!! I can't believe how light it is at 2:30am!!

Anonymous said...

I love this photograph, it's so cool and calm :) I also love happening upon this blog every now and again - mostly Fridays! Have a nice weekend :)

Ces Adorio said...

This is fantastic, a wonderful composition.

Raven said...

Your photos are beautiful. I'm glad that Tom posts them for you. I loved your caption too.

abb said...

Beautiful almost sunrise sky.

Ladynred said...

That is beautiful shot. O love it.
Scrapbooking and Photography

Lilli & Nevada said...

What a beautiful site i love the cows .
Well i hope that your dream comes true for a new camera, i know that is my dream as well, but hubby says i just got a new one.

Unknown said...

That's a really beautiful shot. Looks cold though!

Bodge's Bulletin

Patty said...

That is an awesome photo. I have been looking at some of your post and want to tell you that you have a great eye for photography. The photos you have on here are really good!

Anonymous said...

Great shot! It's so dramatic and I love it!

My SWF Photo is posted HERE.

Hope you could drop by as well. Happy weekends!

Rune Eide said...

You have caught the early morning (or late night?) feeling very well.

It is always a pleasure to read your posts, so keep it up!

Anonymous said...

oh I love the cows on the horizon.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Truly wonderful! The silhouettes against that pastel liquid sky are spectcular. Magnficently done as always, and a real pleasure to stop by and see how you capture your part of the world.

lv2scpbk said...

Nice sky with the cows.

Love your water drops from yesterdays post.

Roan said...

Who knew 2:30 would have such a great sky!

docemdy said...

Love the silhouette. Happy weekend.

Travis said...

Beautiful Sky watch. Stunning all around.

Kahshe Cottager said...

A beautiful SkyWatch and a great reminder of how pretty the sky can be late at night. I never seem to be able to capture the really late night shots well.

My SkyWatch Here

Suzi-k said...

this is a breathtaking shot, what amazing lighting, and you were probably one of the only ones awake to enjoy it... thanks for sharing with the rest of the world. The cow silouettes just MAKE it.

Anonymous said...

This was a lovely photo. Just want to frame it and put it on my wall - love the colores!